
Monday, April 30, 2012

Thought for the Day

You need not learn all the shlokas (verses) and the commentaries of the scriptures by heart or engage in contest with other scholars and exhibit your scholarship. It is enough even if you put one verse that suits your spiritual stage and appeals to you the most, into practice. The first step will itself take you nearer to the second step and the second will make the third step easier, and so on until the end. Of what avail is medicine, if it is poured into the ear? It has to be taken in, so that it might act and strengthen the blood stream and restore health. Similarly, there is no use in listening to spiritual discourses for hours. Take the lesson in. Take it to heart and put it into practice. Apply it in daily life. Realize the Divinity in you, that is the lesson.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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