
Monday, August 5, 2013

Thought for the Day

Samskrithi’, the Sanskrit word for culture, is derived from the root word ‘Samskara’ which means the dual process of removing dust and dirt, and planting the virtues of Truth, Right Conduct, Love, Non-violence and Love. Certain obligatory rites of initiation and purification prescribed by the Vedas for one’s spiritual upliftment, are also referred to as Samskaras. There are 48 such, but all of them can be reduced to just one, which is the final and fulfilling one - recognition of one’s identity with the Divine. Man (Nara) is God (Narayana). The individual entity (Jiva) is Divinity (Brahman) seen through the limitations of primal ignorance.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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