
Friday, August 23, 2013

when you give up sense pleasures, the crows of pride, envy, malice and hatred will fly away and leave you in peace.

Practice renunciation from now on, so that you may set out on the journey when the call comes! No one knows when the call will come and there is no point in being in tears at that moment remembering the property you accumulated, the fame you amassed or the titles you won! The eagle is pestered by the crows, so long as it has a fish in its beak. The crows swish past the eagle to steal the fish from its mouth. They pursue the bird wherever it sits for a little rest. At last, the eagle gives up the attachment to the fish and drops it from its beak; the crows fly after the fish and leave the eagle free. So too, when you give up sense pleasures, the crows of pride, envy, malice and hatred will fly away and leave you in peace.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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