
Monday, June 16, 2014

Thought for the Day

Today people tend to go by the letter of the scriptures. The words of the scriptures should be interpreted and understood in the context of the prevailing time and circumstances. Then their real meaning will be clear. Also no one adheres to what one says or preaches. More than listening to spiritual discourses, one must try to practise at least a part of what one learns. Vedanta is being expounded at many places, not to speak of the discourses on the Gita. But how many understand the real spirit of the Gita and act up to its message? It is because of this dichotomy between preaching and practice that spiritual teachings are being treated with little regard. Only when the feelings emanating from the heart, the words coming out of the mouth and the actions one performs are all in perfect harmony will one's life be based on truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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