
Monday, June 16, 2014

Thought for the Day

Wherefrom does humanness come? It comes from your heart. Here, the heart referred to is not the physical heart but the spiritual heart which is free from all blemishes. Like fragrant air, your purity should spread everywhere. You should share with others the pure thoughts and the pure feelings that emanate from you. Whatever you do, it should be helpful to others. Help Ever, Hurt Never - If you imbibe these two qualities, everything will become good for you. Today educated people are proud of their Ph.D. degrees. What does the true Ph.D. mean? The letter ‘P’ stands for Person, ‘h’ for Help and ‘D’ for Divinity. Hence, one with Ph.D. degree is the person who helps others and attains Divinity. On the contrary, if one does not help others, then the letter ‘p’ will denote that he is a papi (sinner). You will atta in everything if you protect your humanness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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