
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thought for the Day

SrishtiStithi and Laya (creation, sustenance and dissolution) are the three forms of the Divine Will; you have to penetrate the inner meaning of Srishti, by means of Karma Yoga; you have to grasp the significance of Stithi, by means of Bhakthi Yoga and when you master the Jnana Yoga, you arrive at the experience ofLaya, of manifoldness in the One. Bhakthi (devotion) makes you aware of the Lord who sustains and supports every being; it is love, which is eternal, true and blemishless. There is no one who is devoid of bhakthi; deep down in the core, everyone has the feeling of kinship with all creatures. It is this that makes a lonely person miserable, that makes everyone likeable to someone or other. If you have no love; you are like a lamp without the flame, blind and blinding. Love of the pure type is unmixed with hate, untampered with greed.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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