
Friday, October 3, 2014

Thought for the Day

Those who struggle to uphold Truth are the real devotees. The essence of all scriptures (Vedas) lies in establishing this truth. Unfortunately, today people who recognize such an eternal truth are not to be found anywhere. You must never forsake Truth. When truth (Sathya) and righteousness (dharma) come together, there will be peace (Shanthi) and Love (Prema). In fact, Truth (Sathya) is the basis for all other human values, namely, Righteousness, Peace, Love, and Non-Violence (Dharma, Shanthi, Prema, and Ahimsa). Love (Prema) does not descend from outside. It emerges only from within, from the hearts of people. No human being can live without love. True and real life is one that is suffused with love. All virtues merge in love. Where there is love, there will be unity that permeates all barriers. Where there is love, people regardless of caste, culture, and country will unite naturally.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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