
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Thought for the Day

Humans are full of love. Their hearts are springs of mercy. They are endowed with true speech. Peace is the characteristic of the human mind; it is its innate quality. There is no need to go anywhere else in search of peace. Just as gold and silver lie hidden under the earth, and pearl and coral under the sea, peace and joy lie hidden in the activities of the mind. Desirous of acquiring these hidden treasures, if one dives and turns mental activities inward, one becomes full of love. Only one who has so filled oneself with love and who lives in the light of that love can be called human. Those devoid of love are demons, monsters and subhumans. That holy quality of love will not waver in its presence; it will be ever present, without change. It is one and indivisible. Those saturated with love are incapable of spite, selfishness, injustice, wrong, and misconduct.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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