
Monday, June 1, 2015

True education is that which is in consonance with the vedic statement, Tamasoma jyotirgamaya (Lead me from darkness to light). - Baba

Students of today are blind to the goal of life. Some students do not even feel the pain of not knowing the purpose of life. Only one in a million or a crore strives to realise the essence of life. This striving is the stepping stone for the realisation of the purpose of life. Many people feel that the acquisition of food, clothing, shelter, wealth, conveniences, and comforts constitute the very purpose of life. Life remains a tragedy as long as one labours under this kind of delusion. The day one realises the purpose of life, one undergoes a total transformation, from vedana (agony) to nirvedana (freedom from pain). When one becomes conscious of light, acquires wisdom and realises the meaning of existence, one is transported from agony to ecstasy. Every bit of learning should be based on the foundation of ethical, righteous and spiritual principles. Education that is not founded on these will flounder to the ground and become useless.-Baba

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