
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Thought for the Day

Prema (pure love) is filial piety when directed towards parents, companionship when it flows towards friends, love when it is felt towards the partner, respect when it is expressed to elders, and affection when you are drawn towards children. Bhakthi (devotion) affects your acts in three forms: first, you do some acts consciously in order to express your love or give shape to the Prema that animates you; second, you do acts as dedicated offerings to enhance the glory of the Lord, in a spirit of worshipful humility, as if you are offering at His feet all that you are and all that you are capable of; and third you do acts which are full of Prema towards all, as part of your mere existence, automatically, without any tinge of violence upsetting the perfume of the act. One dedicated act leads on to all activity being dedicated; the Aananda you experience makes you feel that your effort has been worthwhile. That is the end, the aim and the inspiration.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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