
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thought for the Day

Desires for worldly objects can plunge you into endless misery. Desires are like a green pumpkin which will sink in water. A desireless person is like a dried pumpkin that floats in water; such people will be able to overcome the pulls of the mundane world and also aspire for a divine life. They may not be particular about liberation, but they will never give up devotion. God looks after the progress and well-being of such a person, here in this world and thereafter, only because they are desireless and are detached, with all their thoughts centered on God. To secure the grace of the Divine in this way is truly the best spiritual practice (yoga). To preserve such hard-won grace is the best way to ensure your well-being (kshemam). It can be got only through grace-filled human effort. Some spiritual exercises are indeed necessary for this purpose.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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