
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Thought for the Day

Every morning ask yourself this question: "What is the grand victory I must strive for in this life, for which these struggles are preparing me? Remind yourself that your body is the chariot, intellect (buddhi) is the charioteer, desires are the roads which you tread drawn by the rope of sensual attachments, and liberation (moksha) is the goal; the Divine Self within should be your Guide and Goal. If you yearn to escape the consequences of birth and death, cleanse your mind so effectively that it is nearly eliminated! This is possible only when you identify yourself with the Indweller within you (Dehi), rather than with the body (Deha)! Your body is the casket of the Atma, earned as a reward for one’s activities of mind and body. When you live in the consciousness of the omnipresent Divine, you live in love - love surging within and through you, to everyone around you. You will naturally experience love, peace and joy, always!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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