
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Thought for the Day

A home must be filled with love, with the sacrifice that love involves, the joy that love radiates, and the peace that love imparts. Any brick and mortar structure where parents and children spend their lives cannot be a home if children do not yearn for it, and if parents do not find peace therein. The home is the temple where the family, each member of which is a moving temple, is nurtured and nourished. The mother is the high priest of this House of God. Humility is the incense with which the house is filled. Reverence is the lamp that is lit, with love as the oil and faith as the wick. Spend the years of your lives dedicating them for such worship in the homes that you live in. I bless you that through your faith and strength, your devotion and dedication may increase.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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