
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Thought for the Day

There are many, maybe a few lakhs or crores, who call themselves devotees of Sai. Even if one Sai devotee practices sacrifice and truth, the whole world would become a better place. Truth and spirit of sacrifice are the two primary principles that are necessary to change the world. Truth sanctifies the heart, and the sense of sacrifice leads us to the renunciation of the worldly. Through these two, one can experience the import of the statement, Antar bahischa tat sarvam vyapya Narayana stitaha - The Lord pervades all space, within and without. In the absence of this true knowledge people indulge in the worldly and transient things from birth till death. How then can they redeem themselves and attain liberation? Every individual must love God to redeem their lives. You are endowed with a body only to practice righteousness. Do not lead an idle life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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