
Monday, January 7, 2019

All of you must realise that the teachings of all religions are One and that prayer in any language and addressed to any Name reaches the same God.

The Vedas teach that you should adore and worship God in gratitude for His benedictions. The Bible teaches that one should pray for peace and practice charity. Quran impresses upon you to show mercy to the suffering and to surrender your will to the All High. Buddhist texts teach the lesson of detachment and sense-control. The Zend-Avesta exhorts you to get rid of evil propensities and shine in your own innate glory. Hence all of you must realise that the teachings of all religions are One and that prayer in any language and addressed to any Name reaches the same God. Understand that God can be invoked through a picture or an idol to fulfil your sincere desire, provided it is helpful to others as well as to yourself. The Balvikas guru has to imbibe all these qualities and then teach them to the Balvikas children by precept and example.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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