
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Thought for the Day

Learn to live in harmony and unity. The village (society) is to the villagers (members of the society) what the body is to the individual. Every organ in the body functions in cooperation with every other part. If the foot steps on a thorn, the eye feels the pain and sheds tears. If the eye notices a thorn or stone on the road, it warns the foot to avoid it. Villagers should develop the same sense of unity and share their joys and troubles as one organic body. There is nothing you cannot achieve with unity as your strength. With purity and unity, you can unravel your Divinity and develop genuine devotion to God. You should fill your hearts with love and make your lives holy and purposeful. When everyone works in this spirit of unity and charity, the village would become a model for all the rest. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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