
Monday, August 10, 2020

Depression, doubt, conceit - these are Rahu and Kethu to the spiritual aspirant.

 You cannot always have pleasure. Pleasure is an interval between two periods of pain. They are like sunshine and shadow. You should make efforts to look at both with equanimity. People want to get all that they desire and they get disillusioned and disappointed. The lighthouse of hope for this ocean of life is God, who is the only permanent entity. This lighthouse never fails. So you should engage yourself in Godly activities with unstinted devotion. Embodiments of Divine Atma! Spend your life in cherishing sacred thoughts, listening to good things, speaking good words, and doing good deeds. If all of you adopt this path, happiness and prosperity will reign in the world. No government or politician or any one in the world can protect you from troubles and disasters. There is only one who can protect you and that is the Supreme Lord. To seek His protection, all of you must wholeheartedly pray, "Let all people in the world enjoy bliss.”

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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