
Monday, August 24, 2020

Develop pure and sincere devotion and sanctify your lives. Without pure love, devotion will be a mechanical ritual!

There is special significance in placing Vigneswara in the forefront before embarking on any undertaking. In a forest, when an elephant moves through the jungle, it clears the way for others to follow. Likewise, by invoking Ganesa, the path is cleared for our undertakings. The elephant's foot is so large that when it moves it can stamp out the footprints of any other animal. Here again, the symbolic meaning is that all obstacles in the way will be removed when Ganesha is accorded the place of honour. The journey of life is made smoother and happier by the grace of Ganesha. On Vinayaka Chaturthi day, students place books in front of the Ganesha idol and offer worship. They pray to the deity to illumine their minds. Hence Ganesha is known as Buddhi Pradayaka, one who grants intelligence. Vinayaka is a deity who encompasses the universe within Himself. He is a deity of infinite potency.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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