
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Thought for the Day

 The Upanishads announce certain remedial sadhanas to get rid of constant inner dialogue (manasika-sambhashana), which is an obstacle to inner peace. The first is the regulation of breath (pranayama). This is no gymnastics, nor a formidable exercise. The mind has to concentrate on the period of retention (kumbhaka), on the process of inhaling (puraka) and exhaling (rechaka). When attention is fixed thus, the inner talk on other irrelevant matters will end and mental strength is acquired. The second sadhana is: immersal in beneficial activity — that is to say, service to people that will help diminish the ego sense. One has to engage in acts that are good and godly. When one’s thoughts are engaged in such activities, the mind turns away from the talk it indulges in. Again, the sadhanas of listening to spiritual advice, reflection on them and discovering ways and means of confirming faith in the Spirit (sravana-manana-nididhyasana), also of recital of the names of God and withdrawing the mind from sensual pursuits (Japa and tapa), have been prescribed more for the silencing of this mental chatter.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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