
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Thought for the Day

 To be happy, one of two things must happen: All your desires must be fulfilled or you should not have any desire. Of these, the reduction of desire is the easier path. Take the troubles that come to you as tests and opportunities to learn non-attachment. The hot summer sends you to air-conditioning. Grief sends you to God. When a child dies, ask yourself the question, “Is it for my sake that the child was born?” The child had their own destiny to fulfil, their own history to work out. Gauthama Buddha’s father was so overcome with grief when he saw his son with a begging bowl in the street that he told him thus: “Every one of my ancestors was a king: what misfortune is this that a beggar was born in this line?” Buddha replied, “Every one of my ancestors had a beggar’s bowl; I know of no king in my line.” The father and the son walked different paths, traveled along divergent routes.

Bagavan Sri Sri sri Sathya Sai Baba

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