
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Thought for the Day

We offer to God so many things, because it gives us pleasure. We offer flowers not because God doesn’t have flowers, but because it makes us happy. The word ‘leaf’ does not refer to tulasi or any other leaf. Our body is the leaf that is offered to God. Because this body is full of three gunas, we consider it a leaf and offer it to God. The word pushpa stands for the flower of the heart. The flowers we talk of in the context of God, do not refer to the earthly flowers which fade away. Similarly, the word ‘fruit’ is the fruit of the mind. It means that we must do our deeds without expecting any reward; and if action is done in that spirit, it becomes a holy sacrifice. Water does not mean that which is drawn from the taps. It refers to the tears of joy that spring from the depths of your heart. You should not offer leaves gathered from trees or flowers from plants in the garden or water drawn from the well or fruit got from somewhere else; but you must offer all these from the tree of your body, which is sacred, to God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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