
Saturday, April 24, 2021

You should develop love and share it with all relatives, friends, and even enemies. Then, everything will be enveloped in love!

Mere chanting of Lord’s name is not enough. Offer your love to God. Love is not your property. In act, it is God’s property. Surrender to God what is His. What is the use of a long life without this offering? You have no right to offer your love to anyone other than God! When you offer all your love to God, He will look after all your needs. There is nothing that He cannot do in this world. In city or in hamlet, in forest or in sky, on the high peak or in the deep ocean, God is everywhere. He pervades space and time. All beings are His forms. Realise this truth, transform it into practice and enjoy bliss. This is true devotion. Embodiments of Love! These days, wherever we go there is unrest, ego, and conflicts. You should develop love and share it with all relatives, friends, and even enemies. Then, everything will be enveloped in love!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Ram

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