
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Acceptance of both good and bad with equal-mindedness is a supreme virtue that will lead you to the realisation of Brahman.

Good and bad - everything is God’s will. We should not differentiate between the two. People believe that good events are God’s will and unfortunate ones are not. In this world no one eats only sweet food or only bitter food. Everyone eats both sweet and bitter food. In other words, everyone experiences both good and bad. If we inquire, bitter experiences are necessary! Only then can we appreciate the value of peace, contentment and bliss. Difficulties and joy go together. No one can separate them. Happiness doesn’t exist alone anywhere. Happiness results when difficulties are transcended. A baby gradually becomes a grandparent. But the two are not different. Similarly, the good in us can turn bad and the bad can become good. We should experience the unity of both. That which makes us understand this unity is our Divinity. When we distance ourselves from Divinity, we deteriorate to demonic and animal states.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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