
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

What is the most important virtue students, and indeed all of us need to cultivate?

Vishwamitra, relying on his intelligence, physical strength and the power of his weapons, sought to wage a war with Vasishta, who relied upon the power of the Divine. Ultimately he realised the truth that his powers were of no avail against the power of the spiritual, and giving up his kingdom undertook a severe penance. Physical prowess is no power at all. It is really a sign of weakness. All physical powers are indeed powerless. All worldly wealth is impermanent. Man today pursues these fleeting pleasures, forgetting his inherent Divinity. Students should cultivate self-confidence and manifest their Divinity in their speech, their songs, their sports and all actions. However, occasionally the weakness in them may come out. For instance, when they succumb to troubles, are overcome by grief and are unable to face losses, they show their inner weakness. Students should confront such situations with fortitude. Be fearless. When you face difficulties with courage, you are bound to succeed. Hence, have confidence in yourself and achieve success in all areas of life. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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