
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

So long as one is dominated by sense pleasure, it cannot be said that their spiritual life has even started.

 The shadows are many and varied, though the light is One. When the One is reflected in the many, in the multitude of jivis, it appears as the Self in each, which watches unaffected as the witness. The Atma (Divine Self) is Eternal. The Self is Truth. However, since it is enclosed in flesh, bone and skin, man deludes himself into believing that the outer covering and not the inner core is the source of bliss. The foremost duty of man to himself is therefore to penetrate through these sheaths and imbibe the higher bliss which his Atmic core alone can confer. Everyone must, in their own best interests, strive to attain that unifying principle that is their inner treasure. Of all Sadhanas (spiritual exercises) this is the most pertinent - the process of achieving this closeness. For, Sadhana means the endeavour and the effort to gain the desired object. Activities that are devoid of Truth do not deserve to be known as Sadhana. The Atma is the Universal Eternal Truth and therefore, it cannot be gained by search in the particularised and the temporary world. The Divine shines in your heart and can be won only therein.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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