
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

To control the mind, we should control the five senses. Only then will we be able to realise God.

 The body is a chariot. The charioteer is the principle of Buddhi (intelligence). The senses are the horses. The reins that regulate and restrain the horses are the manas (mind). When the mind wavers and wanders, not having stability of purpose, the horses run helter-skelter, endangering even the charioteer, Buddhi (Intellect). Speech is an important function of the senses and serves the whims of the mind. So, one must control the mind and not pollute it with greed for sense pleasures. Nor should the mind be tossed about on waves of 'Yes' and 'No', of acceptance and rejection, of resolutions and hesitations. The mind must act as an associate of the Buddhi. Speech subserving the mind and mind subserving intellect - this is the way to bring about Prashanti, Supreme Peace! And note this: Slowly and steadily, instruct the intellect to turn towards Atma. Speech with mind, mind with intellect and intellect illumined by the Atma — this ensures you attain your genuine goal!.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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