
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thought for the Day

Illusion is like a fierce dog that will not allow anyone to near its Master, God. You can easily manage to by-pass it by assuming the Form of the Master which is called Sarupyam or by calling out to the Master so loudly that He comes down and accompanies you into the house; that is to say, by winning His Grace as proximity, Saameepyam. Illusion is His pet and so will not harm you, if He orders not to. Illusion is the blemish that affects the mind. The Master comes to save not just one good person from Illusion, but the whole of mankind. Of course, He has to come assuming a form that man can love, revere, and appreciate.

Proceed ever towards strength (balam). Do not take to untruth, wickedness, and crookedness – all of which denotes a fundamental fatal trait of cowardice and weakness (bala heenam). Weakness is born of accepting as true, a lower image of yourself than what the facts warrant. That is the main mistake. You believe you are the husk, but you really are the kernel. All spiritual practices must be directed to the removal of the husk and the revelation of the kernel. So long as you say, ”I am so and so”, there is bound to be fear. Once you say and feel “I am Divine” (Aham Brahmasmi), you get unconquerable strength.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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