
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thought for the Day

Just as the calf seeks the udder of the cow for the nourishing milk, seek the Lord and His Glory in Nature. As a matter of fact, Nature is useful only when it adds to the wonder and awe that it is able to provoke and sustain. Everything is an image of the Lord. That is why joy wells up in you when you see and hear the stories of the Lord, and how He attracts all to Himself. It is the call of the bimba (object) for the prathibimba (reflection) to merge in it. So all are entitled to the merger, and all finally have to attain it. Remember, you have to come to Me, if not in this birth, at least within ten more births! Strive to acquire Grace which is the reward for spiritual practice. And the highest spiritual practice is to follow the instructions of the Master.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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