
Friday, December 21, 2012

Thought for the Day

A green gourd sinks in water, but a dry one floats. Become dry - rid yourselves of attachments, desires, and avoid anxieties and worries. Then you can float unaffected on the waters of change and chance. Even water, when it becomes steam, can rise into the sky. Be free from the desires that drag you down; have only the yearning to come face to face with the Truth. The truth is shining inside you, waiting to be discovered. God is your Indweller and so when you seek Him outside, He cannot be caught. Look for Him within you. Love Him with no other thought, and feel that without Him, nothing is worth anything. Feel that He is all. Then you become His and He becomes yours. There is no kinship nearer than that!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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