
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thought for the Day

The Kaivalya Upanishad declares: “Not by means of works, not by means of human power, not by means of wealth, but by renunciation alone can immortality be attained.” The ‘works’ referred to are rituals like sacrifices, vows, charities, donations, pilgrimages, etc. Through such activities, one cannot achieve liberation; that is to say, one cannot get rid of the veil of ignorance. ‘Human power’ means acquisition of positions of authority, of skill and intelligence which can manipulate people and things, of fame and supremacy, of personal charm, of health and happiness, or of a large family with many children - these cannot confer liberation. The works mentioned above and the acquisition referred to can succeed only when one has ‘wealth’. But the Upanishad announces that spiritual wisdom is not related to riches. So liberation cannot be earned by means of wealth. Renunciation alone can confer immortality.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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