
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

When your heart is filled with good thoughts and feelings, all that comes out of the senses - your speech, your vision, your action - will all be pure.

You must know that there is no end to the incarnations in which God indulges. He has come down on countless occasions. Sometimes He comes with a part of His glory, sometimes with a fuller equipment of splendour, sometimes for a particular task, sometimes to transform an entire era of time or a complete continent of space. God is like the electric current that flows through various contrivances and expresses itself in many different activities. The wise see only the one uniform current; the ignorant feel that they are all distinct. The HolyBhagavatha elaborates His Story that transforms humanity. The subject matter of the Bhagavatha is the drama enacted by the Avatarand the devotees who are drawn toward Him. Listening to it promotes the realisation of God. Many sages have testified to its efficacy and extolled the Bhagavatha, which they helped preserve for posterity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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