
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thought for the Day

Two thousand years ago, when narrow pride and thick ignorance defiled mankind, Jesus came as the Embodiment of Love and Compassion and lived among people, holding forth the highest ideals of life. You must pay attention to the lessons He elaborated in the various stages of His life. His first declaration was, “I am the messenger of God”. Yes, each individual has to accept that role and live as examples of divine love and charity. Jesus knew that God wills all. So even when He was on the cross, though He suffered agony, He bore no ill-will towards anyone and infact exhorted those with Him to treat all as instruments of His Will. "All are one; be alike to everyone" - Practise this attitude in your daily lives. Moon can be seen only through the moonlight. So too God, who is love, can be seen and realised only through love. Love is God, Live in Love. This is the Message I give you

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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