
Monday, January 12, 2015

Thought for the Day

Avoid spending precious time in useless pursuits and be ever vigilant. Engage the senses of perception and action, and the body in congenial but noble tasks to keep them busy. There should be no chance for sloth (tamas) to creep in. And, every act must promote the good of others. While confining oneself to activities that reflect one's natural duties (swa-dharma), it is possible to sublimate them into spiritual practices for the body and the senses. You must also withdraw from sensory objects. This implies having a state of mind that is beyond all dualities that agitate and affect, such as joy and grief, liking and disliking, good and bad, praise and blame. Such common experiences one encounters can be overcome or negated by means of spiritual exercises or intellectual inquiry. Endeavour to escape from the opposites and dualities, and attain balance and stability.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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