
Monday, April 27, 2015

Knowledge that is not put into practice is like food that is not digested

If the world is real, it must be cognized even during the stage of dreamless deep sleep, but we are not conscious of the world during sleep. Hence, the visible world is as unreal as the dream world. The Universe is a reflection of the Divine (Brahman). The sky might be reflected in a pot of toddy but that does not defile it. Similarly, in this vehicle called body, the Atma dwells pure and undefiled. The fruits of action, good or bad, adhere to the vehicle and not to the indweller. When such wisdom dawns, the dark shadows of the three types of Karma flee before it (The three being Sanchita - the entire accumulated Karma; Prarabdha - the Karma whose effects we undergo in the present andAagami - the Karma we perform now whose results will be felt in the future). The suffering and travails of this world are illusory and transitory. Fix your mind firmly on this great fact and set out bravely on the path of spiritual practice, the practice of devotion.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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