
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Thought for the Day

We know a great deal about the cosmos. Physical sciences discovered much using the instruments of human mind and the eye. The eye and mind describe and analyze things as they are, as they see at that moment. However the objects they see are subject to constant flux and change. We have the least awareness about the truth that doesn't change. That unchanging principle is Brahman, the Eternal Divine Principle, on which the manifest Universe is based. Do not hesitate to accept this fact or doubt it just because your eye or mind cannot perceive it. A person who sees the dry stump of a tree at night is afraid that it may be a ghost or a bizarre human being. It is neither, though it is perceived as either. The reason for this misperception is 'darkness'. Darkness imposes on something, something else that is not there. Similarly false perception (maya) veils and renders Divine (Brahman) as unreal. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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