
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Thought for the Day

The Divine has comes as Avatar only to teach mankind the truth about love. Love alone is the fruit of love. True Love has no trace of self-interest and knows no fear. The world displays the diversity that has emanated from the One. The Divine demonstrates the unity that subsumes the diversity. Recognition of this ‘Unity in Diversity’ can be learnt only from the Divine. Wherever you go, whatever you do or see, cultivate the sacred feeling that you will do only those actions which pleases God. The Gita has declared: Bear no ill-will towards any living being (Adveshtaa Sarva Bhoothaanaam). Hatred towards anyone is hatred for God. The scriptures have also clearly declared: The salutation that you offer to anyone reaches the Divine. When you fill your hearts with love, you will have no hatred towards anyone. Cultivate the faith that the Divine is in everyone and surrender unto Him in a spirit of true dedication.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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