
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thought for the Day

Today everyone is troubled by worry and anxiety. There is not a moment when you are free from worries. “To be born is a worry, to live on earth is a worry; world is a cause of worry and death too is a reason of worry; entire childhood is a worry and so is old age; life is a worry, failure is a worry; all actions and difficulties cause worry; even happiness too is a mysterious worry”, says a Telugu poem! Body attachment is the primary cause of all anxieties. It is impossible to experience happiness without undergoing difficulties and worries. Pleasure is an interval between two pains. You undertake various activities, of which some are good and some bad. Your thought (sankalpa) is the root cause of this duality. Good thoughts lead to good actions and vice versa. You are the embodiment of resolutions and negations (sankalpas
 and  vikalpas).  True spiritual practice lies in controlling your thoughts and aberrations.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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