
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Thought for the Day

Pine for the Lord, like a young calf pines for its mother! Take a young calf into a place where there are a thousand cows and leave it loose. It will find its own mother - every calf will do it right! So too, you must know where you get all your sustenance and support from. Every being gets its succor and relief only from God, from whom you have originated. Take to the spiritual path, with a sense of urgency for, death is waiting to snatch life from you! Forget all petty desires. Do not revel and waste precious moments in empty pleasures. The reason you do so is only because you identify yourself with the body. The body is but a dwelling place, a vehicle, and encasement. See yourself as a resident in it, and almost immediately, your grief will disappear. You will become less egocentric and feel kinship with others, who like you are mere residents in their bodies.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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