
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Thought for the Day

A plantain tree has a number of uses: the plantain leaf is used to serve a meal, its flower in cooking, and the trunk is helpful for binding and packing things as a good string-yielding substance, but its main use is in the bunch of bananas! You take all the trouble of planting and growing the tree for the sake of bananas, not its leaves, strings, the inner soft core, or the flower. So too, the main use of this human body is the realisation of the Divine, the rest is all incidental. You may say, ‘Oh the hands have so much to do!’ Though you may use it for all purposes, its chief purpose is to pray, to worship God, to hold His Feet. Ears are designed to hear God’s glory, and the eyes to witness His manifestations! The tongue is often misused to talk scandal, or flatter! Use it as God willed it, to sing hymns of Divine Glory.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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