
Monday, April 23, 2018

Thought for the Day

You must crave for the vision of God; only then you are entitled to the status of human-ness. To do so, you must conquer your mind. Remember, true human is one who is the ruler of the mind (manas), not its slave! Every human (manava) must endeavour to reach the Divine (Madhava)! To earn the vision and grace of God, you have to pray to the Personified Power with Name and Form; it is your yearning that decides in what form the Lord appears. You call and He will answer! If you are not earnest, or if you feel indifferent and say, “Let Him come when He wills, in the Form He likes and with the Name He prefers”, He will not come at all! Call on Him with anguish, and He will immediately respond!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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