
Monday, April 23, 2018

Thought for the Day

What I have taken as a sankalpa (resolve) will surely be fructified. But I need not take on a sankalpa if I do not wish to. My own thoughts, sankalpas and ideas depend on how the devotees conduct themselves. My grace is available in full measure for the benefit of all the devotees. Since I move about like an ordinary individual talking and playing with you, many people do not understand My true nature. In this context, even people with great strength of mind cannot recognise the true nature of this Sai and the difference between the outward appearance and the real internal aspect. My objective is to establish unity in mankind and to reveal to them the aspect of divinity which is Brahman, the only goal which one should look for. It is also My duty to make you realise the kind of relationship that should exist between man and man, and that Divinity is present and latent in all human beings.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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