
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Thought for the Day

Love exists for love and nothing else; it is spontaneous and imparts delight. Love sees with the heart, not eyes. It listens not through ears but with tranquility of your heart. It speaks not with tongue but using compassion. Love has many synonyms – compassion and kindness also mean Love. Love can emanate only from the heart and not any other source. Love is immortal, nectarous, blissful and infinite. A heart filled with love is boundless. Just as rivers with different names merge in the ocean and become one with it, love in many forms enters the ocean of your heart and merges with it. Your thoughts, words and looks should be filled with love. This is divine love. One saturated with divine love can never be subject to suffering. People today are affected by praise or blame. But those filled with divine love transcend praise or censure. They are unaffected by criticism or flattery, and treat joy and sorrow, profit and loss, victory and defeat, alike.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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