
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Being free from envy is cultivating divinity. You must feel happy when others' happiness or success.

Service has become a word of common currency, but its value is very much reduced by the hypocrisy of the users. Really speaking, only those who are afflicted with agony at the sight of pain and suffering, distress or disease, have the right to offer service; for, they are not serving others, they are serving themselves, serving to remove as quickly and as intelligently as they can, their own agony. Service to others is the medicine one needs for oneself to alleviate the distress which fills one at the sight of distress in another being. Feel that you are serving yourself, that you are curbing your own ego. Otherwise service heightens your self-esteem and develops a sense of superiority, which are both harmful spiritually. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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