
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thought for the Day

When Krishna danced on the head of snake Kaliya, all the poison was vomited and the serpent was subdued. Incidentally I might add, you should make your hearts as smooth and soft as the hood of the snake. When God is revered, the world and all its poisonous fumes recede and you are restored to original health. Make the name and form of your chosen Lord dance upon the hood of your heart. Krishna had no attachment to sense objects (vishayavasana), so He could plunge into the pool, jump onto the hood of snake Kaliya, trample on it and squeeze the poison out. When you are deep in the mire, how can you pull out another who has fallen into it? Do not get caught. Save yourself only by calling on God, who is free from sense objects and is on the bank. Hold His hand, and He will pull you safe and keep you steady on the hard ground. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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