
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Thought for the Day

The love that you have cultivated for men, women and objects must be sublimated into pure, divine worship. Then it gets transmuted as Bhakthi (Love of God). Convince yourself that the Lord is in you, as the charioteer, holding the reins of the five horses (the senses) and giving you constant counsel, as He did when Arjuna prayed to Him, to lead and guide. Then, it becomes easy for you to convince yourself that the self-same charioteer is leading and guiding all other men and even all other beings. When you are established in this faith firmly, you become free of hate and malice, greed and envy, anger and attachment. Pray to the Lord to strengthen this conviction and this faith; He will open your eyes to the Truth and reveal to you that He is the Sanathana Sarathi (Eternal Charioteer) in all. That revelation will confer on you incomparable Ananda, and grant you kinship with Creation's manifoldness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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