
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A life without good character is a shrine without light, a coin that is counterfeit, and a kite with a broken string.

Teachers should reveal the direction and the goal. Students lay the road and journey into the future. The skill and strength, status and stature of mankind are shaped and furthered in proportion to the quality and character of its teachers. Character is the hallmark of humanity. Teachers must dedicate their learning and wisdom to the great task of uplifting pupils to higher levels of knowledge and action. The virtues they help inculcate in their pupils are essential for the uplift of society. Every student must endeavour to unfold the divine present within and equip oneself for serving society with skill and knowledge. When virtues are rooted in the heart, every being shines in full glory. A life without good character is a shrine without light, a coin that is counterfeit, and a kite with a broken string.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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