
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Thought for the Day

Rama’s heart was filled with compassion; he gave refuge to anyone who took shelter in Him and surrendered to Him. He gave refuge to Ravana’s brother and treated him like His own brother Lakshmana. Rama announced, ‘If anyone says once, I am Yours, they are Mine forever’! Rama lived and taught right action (dharma) through His every act and established dharma in practice and precept. He fostered and guarded good people (sadhus). He removed their sufferings, drew them to Himself, and their lives were fulfilled through His grace. He recognised no distinctions of high and low. He was a master of all the scriptures (sastras), and knew the meaning of all the Vedas. Rama transformed the world into a realm of righteousness through varied activities and examples. Love, beauty, and virtue emanated from Him and spread to all. For all householders, Rama is the ideal. His advent was for restoring spiritual values and saving the world from moral disaster!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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