
Monday, April 6, 2020

Thought for the Day

Food on the plate, when not consumed by us or given to a hungry person, but kept unused, becomes foul. So too, when our faults and failings are not corrected, either by our own efforts or by heeding the advice of great souls who have succeeded in the cleansing process, imagine what the fate of our lives will be! Like the plate of boiled lentils (dhal) kept for too long, life will stink. People don’t recognise the truth that spiritual, moral, and behavioural values are the very crown-jewels of human achievement. When not in office, people write articles and essays on education or indulge in parrot-talks from platforms. When the same people achieve positions of authority, they practice measures quite contrary to what they spoke earlier. Of course, speeches from platforms are good, but their practice should not be paralysed. Unless this illness of speech without practice is cured, education and real scholarship will not manifest its real worth!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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