
Monday, September 2, 2019

By constant contemplation on God, mind should be turned away from mundane desires.

Don’t seek more and more happiness (sukham); seek wisdom (jnanam) instead. Mind is a fertile field for ignorance. Wipe out all traces of the mind (Mano Nasanam). How to destroy the mind? It’s easy. The mind is stuffed with desire. It is a ball filled with air like a football. Puncture it and it will not move. Nirvana means, without air. In a square tank filled with water, water appears square; if the field is circular or rectangular, the sheet of water that fills it will resemble the same geometrical shape. The mind takes on the form of the desire that fills it. Another example - it is like a piece of cloth, the warp and the woof being the yarn of desire. The texture, colour, durability, and the shine of the cloth will depend upon the desire that constitutes the warp and woof. Remove the yarn one by one and the cloth disappears. This is the technique to destroy the mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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