
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Thought for the Day

Seeing a glass half filled with water, the optimist is glad that it is half full, while the pessimist is sad that it is half empty. Though both statements are correct, the optimist hopes to fill the other half, while the pessimist gives up in despair. The optimist has faith and hope; the pessimist courts misery without faith. Hence develop faith through steady effort. Faith is essential for human progress in every field. Knowledge, and through knowledge, wisdom can be earned only by means of faith and effort. Equipped with these, you can scale great heights and emerge victoriously. Of course, one has to be warned against cultivating too much faith in things that are merely material! You must have deep faith only in the eternally valid Truth - God! Faith is power. And that faith must be coupled with effort. Faith is the very breath we live by! Without faith, living happily is just impossible!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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